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![]() Home n Work Mortgages Inc.Our company was founded by CEO Gregory B. Stanley CFP CSEC, a dynamic speaker and presenter across Canada. Author, Radio & TV guest, that thinks 'outside the box' for better solutions. As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and duly licensed Mortgage Broker he invented the Mortgage Swap concept. Making it so people with either TFSA's or private mortgage investments can meet each other; under the supervision of a licensed mortgage broker. | ![]() UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACHMortgage Swap creates a meeting place where private mortgage investors can meet each other; to swap, sell or buy investments through the services of a well respected Mortgage Broker. You may be building your investment portfolio and need mortgages to invest into or you are someone 'downsizing' and wishing to sell a mortgage investment prior to its maturity. We help all parties through this process to ensure sound decisions that match investors risk tolerances. Become a member and learn more. | ![]() POWER IN YOUR OWN HANDSMortgage Swapping allows you to be able to create your own checklist for your own investment needs; type of borrower you are looking for, fixed rate of return expected, type of property and its marketability, time horizon to invest, and interest or amortized payments. You can 'swap' from your own non-reg investments to registered ones; to free up capital. Whatever the need Mortgage Swap will be there to assist each step of the way. |
![]() LEARN TO INVEST WISELYThere are 15 steps to be applied to any mortgage investment; basic ones are low loan to values, a borrower having the ability to make payments, and solid appraisals. Every single file chosen is supplied with your own Independent Legal Advice Lawyer. We hand hold throughout the swap process, always representing the investor lender. Looking for a Win-Win for everyone - borrower and the investor. | ![]() GIVE YOURSELF A MORTGAGEYes it is possible. You can for your own mortgage investments. With your own money. You pick your own rate of return. And your own terms. With with RRSP's or TFSA's, you can with a mortgage swap. Network with someone else wishing to do the same thing as you and then mortgage swap with each other. The process is overseen by the broker to keep things uninfluenced and at arm's length with each party. Become a member to learn more. | ![]() USE RRSP'S & TFSA'SMortgage investments can be in 'cash' or with registered funds, as well as tax sheltered plans called TFSA's. The difference is how income tax is treated. One of our services is to show you how to quickly grow funds for retirement income or show you how to receive tax free income from your investments. Membership gives you knowledge. |
![]() GET STARTED TODAYEver eat a plum? A good one is tasty, juicy and satisfying. We act for the private investor always. Let's find you a juicy plum to bite into. We review each and every mortgage investment being swapped. We are have our own network; and also other brokerages to shop to. We match investors, make a transaction a Win-Win for everyone; give full transparent disclosure; full legal file of every swap and a detailed review of your swap transaction. Good Advice Matters! Register and become a member. | ![]() SPEAK TO GREGORY STANLEYGregory is Drake's 'Papa', Jessica's husband and founder and CEO of Home n Work Mortgages - A Canadian Mortgage Brokerage Company. He is a Certified Financial Planner and a duly licensed mortgage broker in both BC and Alberta; capable and networked with other brokers across Canada. Speak to him now! He is friendly and easy to talk to - whether you are a possible investor, broker or an adviser - Write Now Or Call! OR 1866 658-0492 x 100 | ![]() YOU CAN DO BETTERMortgage Investments offer fixed, predictable returns. The rate on the mortgage loan is the amount you earn. The amount you are paid monthly. Mortgages do not have the market volatility that mutual funds or stocks have. They are debt instruments giving fixed returns. Gregory Stanley authored the 15 steps to safe private lending; and when you become networked with him you will learn all these valuable secrets to investing. Gregory's personal motto: "My first interest is in your best interest"(c) |
A Canadian Private Mortgage Lenders Meeting Place
to Find Borrowers OR Buy/Sell/Swap their own mortgage investments with other private investors
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